Kensho’s philosophy is closely aligned with Bruce Lee’s Jeet Kune Do concepts. We find that trained individuals will instinctively use what works the best for them in a self defense situation.
7th Degree Black belt, former Kickboxing Champion & former head instructor under Grand Master Fred Degerberg at the Degerberg Academy of Martial Arts – Chicago (awarded “Best Overall School” by Black Belt Magazine in a 2006 worldwide vote). Roger began training in Martial arts at the Degerberg Academy in the early 1980’s. In his early years Roger specialized in amateur boxing, kickboxing and Judo along with the “Degerberg Blend”. Over the years, Roger has also studied many different styles of Karate, Kung Fu, Jiu Jitsu, Kali, Bando and many other diverse arts.
Grand Master Degerberg and his Degerberg Academy pioneered the “MMA” concept over 35 years ago by combining striking arts with grappling arts and weaponry. The Degerberg “Blend” is very “street” oriented and combines aspects of Boxing, Kickboxing, Kali, Jun Fan/ JKD Concepts, Judo/ Jiu Jitsu, Thai Boxing, Savate, Silat and Wrestling. As head instructor at the Degerberg Academy, Roger was instrumental in contributing to the development of Degerberg “Blend” system, has appeared on television & radio interview programs and is in demand as an instructor of martial arts seminars worldwide.
February, 2025
August 26,2019
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