Brooklyn Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu helps people to learn the discipline and philosophy of the martial arts in order to create a solid foundation for long-lasting confidence, fitness and personal protection. Our mission from day one is to support and empower adults and children, regardless of their age or stage, to benefit from safe martial arts training in a cooperative environment.
Our martial arts programs are geared not towards tournaments and competition, but rather a learning environment to enrich students regardless of age, natural ability or stage of life. Our dojos seek to cultivate what Jigoro Kano called “mutual benefit” for all practitioners.
We believe in treating the martial arts as an art, not a sport. There are no trophies or VIP awards on the walls of our school. We are much happier to hang framed letters from the local charities and partnerships to which we contribute each month.
The martial arts are often confused with just a series of physical techniques. At Brooklyn Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, the martial arts actually encompass a philosophical attitude and approach to life which gives the practitioner tools for self-defense, physical health and mental discipline.
Today, our students range from police officers and public-school teachers to surgeons, accountants and lawyers. We teach honor-role students and children who have struggled with emotional and behavioral challenges. We make a place for each of them on the mat with us so that they may create a better, more rewarding lifestyle for themselves and others.
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7603 13th Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11228
January, 2025
August 26,2019
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