Grand Master Shuny Bee is a world-renowned martial artist, born and raised in Nepal. He has been training in martial arts since childhood. Technically, martial arts training in Nepal was illegal while he was growing up. Despite this, his dedication, creativity, hard work, determination and skill paid off when his martial arts demonstration was greatly honored and praised by then Royal Prince of Nepal, Prince Dhirendra Bikram Saha. And he became an international sensation in movies and onstage, performing, competing and demonstrating his art talent around the world.
Over the years Shifu Shuny Bee has been featured in numerous issues of Black Belt Magazine. His techniques in martial arts has greatly honored by several masters and grand masters from the different arts from different countries.
As Guru Bee continued his journey in the martial arts, he has promoted the martial arts in numerous forms of mass media. He has had leading and supporting roles in movies and television. He has written and produced books and instructional DVDs promoting his art as well.
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